Monday, April 11, 2011

Upgrading CentOS packages

yum update


yum clean all
yum update glibc\*
yum update yum\* rpm\* python\*
yum clean all
yum update
shutdown -r now


yum clean all
yum update glibc\*
yum update yum\* rpm\* python\*
yum clean all
yum update mkinitrd nash
yum update kernel\*
yum update
shutdown -r now

Friday, April 8, 2011

Installing Magento on CentOS 5.5

CentOS 5.5 (x64 architecture) setup for Magento Commerce version

1. Install CentOS 5.4 (because it is only 1DVD, 5.5 is 2 DVDs – troublesome)

2. Remove unnecessary rpms (ppp, rp-pppoe, irda-utils, pcmciautils, wireless_supplicant, ypbind, yp-tools, etc)

3. Update yum – “yum update yum”

4. Update the rest of the rpms – “yum update”

5. Reboot (kernel update)

6. Install Atomicorp rpm repository –

wget -q -O - | sh

7. Install php rpms (these are for magento mainly)

a. php

b. php-devel

c. php-cli

d. php-common

e. php-gd

f. php-mbstring

g. php-mcrypt

h. php-mysql

i. php-pdo

j. php-xml

php-xml will provide the DOM extension required by Magento.

8. There is no need to install php-mhash explicitly, it is included in php 5.3+. It depends on php-common for 5.2, and will cause a depsolving problem (dependency issue, as the rest are using 5.3+ already).

9. Compulsory changes to /etc/php.ini :

a. short_open_tag = On

10. Recommended changes to /etc/php.ini:

a. memory_limit = 64M

b. max_execution_time = 18000

c. magic_quotes_gpc = off

d. flag session.auto_start = off

e. zlib.output_compression = on

f. suhosin.session.cryptua = off

g. zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = off

11. Not sure about yet, the comment was:

; PHP for some reason ignores this setting in system php.ini

; and disables mcrypt if this line is missing in local php.ini

New update: I think mcrypt extension is not handled in /etc/php.d/mcrypt.ini.

If the files in /etc/php.d are processed after php.ini are processed, then it makes sense why mcrypt.ini will take precedence over the setting in php.ini

12. Magento only supports APC php opcode optimizer. However, the same dependency issue surfaces. *sigh*

To solve it, install php-devel, php-pear, and then

pecl update-channels

pecl install apc (just use the default options for now)

One good thing about compiling APC from scratch this way is that you get it optimized for your system. Bad thing is, you need to manage the updating/upgrading yourself.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tracks (getontracks) installation

Tracks -

1. Version 2 RC 2
2. Required dependencies: RedCloth and sanitize.

1. CentOS 5.5 x64
2. Enterprise Ruby Edition 1.8.7 separate install into /opt

Followed instructions as per the installation manual

Error when trying to rake migrate:db, dependencies missing RedCloth and sanitize.

gem install sanitize leads to error.
gem install nokogiri leads to error.

To solve:
gem install rails-sanitize

It will install nokogiri, sanitizie and a whole bunch of other dependencies for you and Tracks got on track :)